Eligible Neighborhoods & Target Blocks

Homes on target blocks are eligible for Purchase & Rehab and Refinance & Rehab loans. Target blocks are the strongest blocks in the neighborhoods. They have high levels of homeownership and engaged residents, enabling Healthy Neighborhoods to have a significant impact by helping to build the real estate market and strengthen social connections. To see all our neighborhood descriptions, click here.


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Auchentoroly-Parkwood (Parkview/Woodbrook)

Auchentoroly Terrace: 3000 through 3300 blocks
Holmes Avenue: 3500 block
Parkwood Avenue: 2700 through 2800 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Baltimore Highlands

See Highlandtown.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Calvert Street: 2000 through 2400 blocks
Guilford Avenue: 2000 through 2400 blocks
Barclay Street: 1900 - 2400 blocks
East 20th Street: 100 and 300 block
East 21st Street: 100 - 400 block
East 22nd Street: 100 - 400 block
East 23rd Street: 100 - 400 block
East 24th Street: 100 - 400 block
W 24th Street: 1 through 17
St. Paul Street: 1900 through 2129

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Barre Circle

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Ardley Avenue: 4000 & 4100 blocks
Balfern Avenue: 4000 & 4100 blocks
Brehms Lane: 3600 block
Brendan Avenue: 2600 & 2800 blocks
Brendan Avenue: 3400 & 3500 blocks
Chesterfield Avenue: 2600 through 2800 blocks
Chesterfield Avenue: 3300 & 3400 blocks
Dudley Avenue: 3100 through 3500 blocks
Dudley Avenue: 3900 through 4100 blocks
Elmora Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Erdman Avenue: 2600 block
Kentucky Avenue: 2600 block
Kentucky Avenue: 3400 block
Kenyon Avenue: 3500 block
Lyndale Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Parklawn Avenue: 3300 through 3500 blocks
Parkside Drive: 4200 & 4300 blocks
Pelham Avenue: 2600 through 2800 blocks
Ramona Avenue: 3200 through 3400 blocks
Raymonn Avenue: 4000 & 4100 blocks
Richmond Avenue: 3300 through 3500 blocks
Shamrock Avenue: 4200 & 4300 blocks
Shannon Drive: 3000 through 3500 blocks
Shannon Drive: 3800 through 4100 blocks
Sheldon Avenue: 4200 & 4300 blocks
Woodstock Avenue: 3300 through 3500 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Better Waverly

East 33rd Street: 600 through 800 blocks
East 31st Street: 600 block
East 30th Street: 500 through 700 blocks
Avon Avenue: 3200 block
Belle Terre Ave: 700 block
Ellerslie Avenue: 3000 through 3200 blocks
Frisby Street: 3000 - 3200 blocks
Gorsuch Avenue: 600 through 900 blocks
Homestead Street: 600 through 900 blocks
Independence Ave: 3100 through 3200 blocks
Loch Raven Blvd: 3200 block
Montpelier Street: 600 through 900 blocks
Westerwald Avenue: 3200 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Beverly Hills

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Central Forest Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Charles North

St. Paul Street: 1500 through 2129

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Charles Village

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Cherry Hill

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Coldstream Homestead Montebello

31st Street (East): 1600 through 2000 blocks
32nd Street (East): 1600 through 2000 blocks
33rd Street (East): 1500 through 1800 blocks
Chilton Street: 1600 through 1800 blocks
Harford Road: 2900 through 3100 blocks
The Alameda: 3000 through 3200 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Concerned Citizens of Forest Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Curtis Bay

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Edmondson Village

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Ednor Gardens - Lakeside

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Ellwood Park/Monument

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Forest Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Four by Four

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Forest Park Golf Course

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Garwyn Oaks

Allendale Road: 2300 through 2900 blocks
Chelsea Terrace: 2300 through 2900 blocks
Duvall Avenue: 3500 through 3700 blocks
Elsinore Avenue: 2300 through 2800 blocks
Garrison Boulevard: 2300 through 2800 blocks
Roslyn Avenue: 2300 through 2800 blocks
Woodhaven Avenue: 3700 & 3800 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Biltmore Avenue: 6100 & 6200 blocks
Emmart Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Gist Avenue: 5500 through 6200 blocks
Glen Avenue: 3600 through 4000 blocks
Hopeton Avenue: 6200 block
Jonquil Avenue: 5600 through 5800 blocks
Menlo Drive: 3600 through 4000 blocks
Mortimer Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Narcissus Avenue: 5600 through 5800 blocks
Pinkney Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Primrose Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Rosecrest Avenue: 3900 & 4000 blocks
Rubin Avenue: 5700 & 5800 blocks
Strathmore Avenue: 3700 through 4000 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Fait Ave: 5101 - 5123 blocks
S Lehigh Street: 300 through 647 blocks
S Macon Street: 300 through 647 blocks
S Newkirk Street: 300 through 646 blocks
Oldham Street: 200 through 739 blocks
S. Ponca Street: 603 through 928 blocks
Quail St: 508 through 814 blocks
Rappolla Street: 500 - 830 blocks
Savage Street: 500 - 639 blocks
Tolna Street: 500 - 837 blocks
Umbra Street: 501- 837 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Greenmount West

Barclay Street: 1500-1800 blocks
Calvert Street: 1500-1800 blocks
East Federal Street: 300-400 blocks
Guilford Avenue: 1600-1800 blocks
East Lafayette Avenue: 200 - 400 blocks
East Lanvale Street 200-400 blocks
Latrobe Street: 1600 - 1700 blocks
St. Paul Street: 1800 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Hamilton (Glenham-Belhar)

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Hamilton Hills

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Alto Road: 3300 & 3400 blocks
Bateman Avenue: 3300 & 3400 blocks
Carlisle Avenue: 3200 through 3400 blocks
Duvall Avenue: 3400 block
Gwynns Falls Parkway: 3000 through 3400 block
Longwood Street: 2400 through 2700 blocks
Mondawmin Avenue: 3000 through 3400 blocks
Piedmont Avenue: 3100 through 3400 blocks
Powhattan Avenue: 3200 block
Vickers Road: 3200 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


East 29th Street: 300 block
East 28th Street: 300 through 400 blocks
East 27th Street: 300 block
Guilford Avenue: 2500 through 2900 blocks
Ilchester Avenue: 300 through 400 blocks
East Lorraine Avenue: 300 block
Whitridge Avenue: 300 through 400 blocks
Barclay Street: 2700 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Heritage Crossing

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Baltimore Street (East): 3400 through 3527 blocks
Bank Street: 3400 through 3900 blocks
S Bouldin Street: 208 through 426 blocks
Claremont Street: 3400 through 3900 blocks
Clinton Street (South): 200 through 400 blocks
Conkling Street(South): Unit through 300 blocks
S East Ave: 200 through 420 blocks
Eaton Street(South): 100 through 400 blocks
S Ellwood Ave: 201 through 441 blocks
Fagley Street (South): 100 through 400 blocks
Gough Street: 3400 through 3900 blocks
Grundy Street (South): 100 through 400 blocks
Highland Street (South): Unit through 400 blocks
Leverton Avenue: 3400 &3500 blocks
Lombard Street (East): 3400 through 3741 blocks
Mt. Pleasant Avenue: 3400 through 3900 blocks
Pratt Street: 3201 through 3931 blocks
S Robinson St: 200 through 445 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Hillsdale Heights

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Our Loans

Howard Park

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Kenilworth Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Descriptions
Our Loans

Liberty Square

Anoka Avenue: 2300 block
Ocala Avenue: 2300 block
Wichita Avenue: 2300 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Madison Park

Eutaw Place: 1200 through 1900 (excluding 1500 & 1600 blocks)
W Madison Avenue: 1200 through 2000 blocks
McCulloh Street: 1200 through 1900 blocks
Presstman Street: 200 & 300 blocks
Robert Street: 300 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

McElderry Park

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Mid-Town Belvedere

Biddle Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
Biddle Street (West): Unit block
Calvert Street (North): 1000 through 1300 blocks
Cathedral Street: 900 through 1000 blocks
Chase Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
Eager Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
Guilford Avenue: 1100 block
Hunter Street: 1100 block
Mt. Royal Avenue (East): 200 block
Park Avenue: 800 block
Preston Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
St. Paul Street: 1000 through 1300 blocks
Tyson Street: 900 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


Bentalou Street (North): 2000 block
Bryant Avenue: 2000 & 2100 blocks
Clifton Avenue: 2100 & 2200 blocks
McKean Avenue: 1900-2000 blocks
Pulaski Street (North): 2100 block
Ruxton Avenue: 2000 block
Walbrook Avenue: 2100 & 2200 blocks
Whittier Avenue: 2000 & 2100 blocks
Wheeler Avenue: 2000 block
Windsor Avenue: 2100 through 2300 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Morgan Park

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Mount Vernon

Calvert Street (North): 900 block
Cathedral Street: 500 through 800 blocks
Eager Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
Madison Street (West): 100 & 200 blocks
Madison Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
Monument Street (West): 200 block
Park Avenue: 700 & 800 blocks
Ploy Street: 800 block
Read Street (East): Unit through 200 blocks
St. Paul Street: 700 through 900 blocks
Tyson Street: 800 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Old Goucher

W 24th Street: 1 through 17

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Panway/Braddish Avenue

Ashburton Street: 2200 & 2300 blocks
Braddish Ave: 2100 through 2300 blocks
Dukeland Street: 2200-2300 blocks
Gwynns Falls Parkway: 2600-2700 blocks
Koko Lane: 2200-2300 blocks

Neighborhood Description
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Parkway (Burleith-Leighton)

Burleith Avenue: 3200 & 3300 blocks
Leighton Ave: 3100 Through 3323 blocks
Tioga Parkway: 3000 through 3300 blocks

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Patterson Park

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Patterson Place

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Pigtown/Washington Village

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Radnor Winston

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Reservoir Hill

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Richnor Springs

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
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Seton Hill

Druid Hill Avenue: 500 through 700 blocks
N Eutaw Street: 500 & 600 blocks
George Street: 400 block
Jasper Street: 500 & 600 blocks
McCulloh Street: 700 block
W Monument Street: 700 block
Orchard Street: 400 & 500 blocks
N Paca Street: 500 & 600 blocks
St. Mary’s Street: 400 & 500 blocks
Tessier Street: 700 block

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

Union Square

This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
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This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans


This neighborhood has no specific target blocks. The Healthy Neighborhoods loan products can be used in the entire neighborhood.

Neighborhood Description
Our Loans

West Forest Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
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Wilson Park

Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
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Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
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Target blocks to be determined. Please call Rahn Barnes at 410-332-0387 x1005.

Neighborhood Description
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